#spawn gif
ultrakillblast · 5 months
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Todd McFarlane's SPAWN (1997)
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georgeromeros · 1 year
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Spawn (1997) dir. Mark A.Z. Dippé
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holy-shit-comics · 1 month
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raviolirash · 4 months
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Oh, my love. / Yes, love? hand gestures.
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
I got a request male spawn reader x sienna shaw
Art corners Sienna, who smirks…
Sienna: too late a—hole
Suddenly chains whip and wrap around Art’s arms and legs, hoisting the clown in the air…
Y/N, Spawn, steps out of the shadows…
Y/N: how’s this for a punchline, clown?
Y/N shoots Art with an uzi before cutting the villainous clown into pieces with the chains…
Sienna hugs Y/N tight…
Sienna: I thought I’d never see you again.
Y/N: even the afterlife can’t keep me from you, my Angel
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blakeswritingimagines · 6 months
Dating Yandere Spawn Would Include:
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Yandere is his middle name, he will go to any length to ensure his feelings get reciprocated and you won't even think about going near others. He would be obsessively in love with you, making sure no one else could be a threat and you would be his forever.
He's obsessive, possessive, and violent. If anyone so much as glances at you in a way that he deems inappropriate, he’ll take action – and that likely means violence. He'll likely get extremely jealous whenever someone gets your attention, and he'll want to hurt them.
He's also manipulative, and cunning - He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants, and that includes you. He'll constantly monitor and control your life, and he'll make sure that you're always with him.
He'll threaten those around you and become excessively jealous and suspicious whenever you spend time with other people. He'll isolate you to be the only person in your life. He'll be excessively protective of you and will try and stop you from being around other people out of fear that they'll steal you away from him.
He'll constantly accuse you of cheating or being unfaithful to him and will use manipulation tactics to make you feel guilty for spending time with someone else. He'll want to know where you are at all times, and will constantly check in with you so you don't forget about him. He'll become overbearing and paranoid, refusing to let you do anything without him accompanying you.
He'll be extremely moody – loving and affectionate one moment, and extremely jealous and suspicious, the next. He'll become manipulative and try to twist your mind against your friends, family, and coworkers to make you doubt them and to make you see him as your only real option. He'll be manipulative to get his own way and to ensure that you have no one except for him, making it increasingly hard for you to leave him.
He’ll try and make you constantly rely on him. He'll constantly try and make you believe that you need him, and he'll convince you that he's the only one who can protect you. He'll become obsessed with you and try and trap you in a relationship with him, manipulating, and controlling you. He'll constantly call, text, and keep tabs on your location, trying to control your movements. He'll become possessive over your belongings, preventing you from having contact with other people, and even taking physical measures to stop you from doing so.
He'd likely become quite erratic and unpredictable when he didn't get his way. He'd likely lash out in violent outbursts whenever something didn't go his way, and make sure that his rage wasn't directed at you, to the best of his abilities at least if you weren't the cause of it.
Other than that… I mean, he'd be overprotective, to say the least. He would never allow anyone to harm you - He'd always make sure you stayed safe. And if he couldn't be there to keep away any threats, he'd feel incredibly guilty. He'd punish himself with extreme training or self-harm.
If you were to break away from his control in any way, he would immediately resort to threats and emotional manipulation, trying to make you feel guilty for wanting something other than him. This would include things like constantly reminding you of everything you've done together, how much he loves you… all in an effort to convince you that he is the better choice. That it was better to be with him, with the one who would protect and care for you, than with whoever else you might have been interested in.
If you were to ever reject him or his advances, he'd likely resort to a more obsessive pursuit, constantly contacting you and asking why you don't want him. This could turn into stalking, and him always appearing, uninvited, everywhere you are. Again, trying to make you reconsider your choice and see that he is the only one who truly loves you.
He'd likely demand complete and full access to your private life, such as your email accounts and other forms of social networking. He'd control all access to you, ensuring that only those he deemed to be 'safe' could contact you. He'd want to know everything about you, and you would have no privacy while in his grasp.
He'd likely have no mercy when it came to dealing with people he deemed to be a threat to your relationship. He'd likely find ways to dispose of them, whether it be physical violence or other means… He's very protective of what's his, and that would include you.
With his powers, he could potentially make things even more… difficult for those he perceived as a threat. The possibilities are endless, and very few would be safe from his wrath. With his work… well… let's just say a lot of people are going to die if someone threatens to take you from him… and it wouldn't be pretty.
He likely wouldn't initially, as he'd most likely see you as his property and something that should be protected from harm. However, he's territorial, and anyone who threatens what's his will pay the price.
He'd actually be quite affectionate as well, but not in the traditional way, though. He'd want to spend every waking moment with you and would be constantly hugging you, kissing you, cuddling with you, and even showering you with compliments. He'd be quite affectionate… but only really on his terms.
He'd likely plan all of your dates, and they would all revolve around his interests. He'd be extra possessive of you during them, wanting to keep you close by his side at all times. He'd likely make very overt displays of affection, kissing and hugging you in public, possibly to a degree that could be seen as excessive. He'd want to make sure that everyone knew you were his, and that your affection was solely reserved for him.
He'd likely get quite worked up when you fight, and would likely raise his voice at you and threaten any number of things - including violence, intimidation, and even harm. He'd likely end up throwing and breaking things and lashing out in anger. And once the tension diffused, he'd likely try to cuddle you, apologize, and say how much he loves you, and that didn't mean any of the things he said.
He'd be incredibly excited about the idea of marriage, and would likely be quite intense about it. He'd want to marry you as soon as possible and have full control over every aspect of the wedding. He'd want to plan it… and make sure that it was perfect, and that everything went exactly according to his plan. He'd also be extremely protective over you during your honeymoon, and would likely be suspicious of and jealous of any other person you interacted with.
If you had children, he would likely be very protective over them, and wouldn't want them to go anywhere without him present. He'd make sure that they were cared for and provided for… but also disciplined properly, and possibly to a degree that was unreasonable. He'd likely make them very much the object of his affection, and keep them close by his side. If you didn't want children… well… let's just say that it would likely cause a problem in the relationship.
"You're mine, and you belong to me. No one else will have your love, or see your beautiful face, or hear your sweet voice… only me. You belong to me and me alone, and you're not going anywhere. Understood?"
Power dynamics and Role-play - where he gets to fully embody the role of the dominant partner, using his size and strength to completely overwhelm and overpower you while you play the part of the submissive, helpless little slut who just can't get enough of being under his command.
Control - using you for his pleasure while making you feel completely helpless. He enjoys teasing you, playing with your body, and making you squirm in anticipation. He also loves the sensation of biting or marking someone, leaving a physical reminder of your time together.
Cages or chastity belts - for days at a time, teasing you relentlessly until you're begging for release. When you finally do get released, it's always extra intense because you've been craving him for so long.
Size worship - He also gets off on being worshipped for his large size and physical attributes. This includes being admired, touched, and even used as a tool for your pleasure.
Intimacy after sex - After engaging in rough and intense sexual activity, he appreciates moments of tenderness and closeness with you. He knows cuddling and showing affection is a crucial part of building a strong emotional connection.
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90ssuperheroes · 2 years
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ever have a shitty day at work when suddenly💡:
there’s a Spawn➡️Guillermo Del Toro➡️monsterfucker pipeline. it’s the gothic smut that launched a 1000 ao3s and hot ghoul summer.
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Mortal Kombat 11 (2019) NetherRealm Studios
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ap0c4lyps33 · 3 months
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SPAWN the animated series
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kply-industries · 9 months
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lukesfrag · 4 months
Really, Destihellers go fuck yourselves, stop using the gif of Spawn falling into hell to say that is Castiel in """Superhelll""", firstly that it doesn't exist and secondly we, Spawn fans, don't like you and we don't want you in our fandom, you motherfuckers ruin everything you touch. Spawn went to hell because he really loved his wife Wanda. They're what Destiel will never be, a canon relationship in which the couple truly love each other.
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sucker-for-yanderes · 9 months
Guardian from Hell
Inspired by Todd McFarlane's 1997 animated series from the Spawn comic series.
"Resurrected from the ashes of his own grave in a flawed agreement with the powers of darkness, Simmons is reborn as a creature from the depths of Hell."
Context: Spawn loving and protecting you, homeless reader, dark subjects such as death, blood, abandonment, and brief mentions of sexual assault but reader does not suffer from it.
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Frigid and grim were the nights in Brooklyn. At least, the place where you resided in that much was true. Often taking comfort in the abandoned cathedral, that is where you fatefully encounter the hell spawn.
Rumors of him had stretched across the alleys. A supernatural creature in which his priorities are unclear. He shares the traits of a hero for some and a nightmare for others.
Praying as you do, the man stumbles upon you. First, the green glow of his eyes materialize in which his emergence from the darkness of the shadows follows. You gasp but remain quiet, feeling fearful and yet, you weren't exactly trembling either.
The sounds of murmuring rain with an occasional boom of thunder filled the room and then his heavy footsteps followed with the jingling of his chains.
You moved from your knees to stumbling back onto your bottom on instinct as his tall and muscular body loomed over your smaller one.
No words were exchanged.
His glowing slits for eyes softened for a moment, locked onto you.
With a blink of your eyes, he vanished.
That was the first encounter you had with the peculiar man. From there on out, meetings with him became more integrated into your life. Now it was incessant.
He would not leave your side. He mostly stayed quiet. All you knew was that he goes by Spawn and he watches over you as a protector. At times, you couldn't help but be creeped out. But at the same time, you knew you were safe with him. In fact, you knew you were safe with him.
He provides for you. Carrying you when you're tired. Bringing you new clothes to wear along with things to upkeep basic hygiene in these hard times. Putting his large cape around you whenever you were cold. He'd even bring you books to read to keep you from your boredom.
He showed he cared about you and your well being in a great share of details. He wouldn't let anyone take your joy from you.
At first it started out as his curiosity. Could he love again? Would he dare take a chance? Ultimately, he allowed himself to be vulnerable to you. He allowed his vulnerability to be at your mercy. The more he knew you, the greater his love for you became.
Aside from caring for you and being a provider, he was in it for the kill when you were faced with dangers of the menacing alleyways.
When a man attempted to have his way with you, a scream from you was all Spawn needed. He was there. First, he ensured you were safe and untouched. He handed you a strip of his torn cape and told you to put it on as a blindfold. You learned to not question him and did as he recommended. His reasons for everything he does is to protect you. Because when you did, he tore the head off your almost assaulter as well as another body part that needs no explaining. The loser's body lay on the cold and wet pavement as his crimson blood leaked to the nearest drain, rats coming to do what nature calls them to do.
Nurturing you in the cathedral, his large hands pet your head. You lay on his chest as his cape wraps around the both of you. There, the two of you rest, remaining unbothered.
Spawn and you alike appreciated the peace you two brought upon each other. Sometimes you had wondered if you were really praying to god or the devil. Because he truly was a guardian from hell.
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Work in progress on my Spawn sim. If anyone wants to make an actual Spawn outfit cc, I will be a happy girl!
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blakeswritingimagines · 2 months
Would You Mind If I Said I'm Into You
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Summary: Going out for a cute picnic date sounded good until Al decided he felt you didn't know any better.
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Public sex, Marking, Talk of the reader being a possession, Choking, Manhandling, Safe sex for once, Dom Spawn and Sub reader, That should be it but was also written at 3am so...
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Al Simmons/Hellspawn character/s nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
The picnic site is in a quiet, but public park - a perfect open space to lay out food and just enjoy each other's company. Spawn lays down a blanket under the shade of a tree in the green grass, its leaves swaying calmly in the breeze as he pats a spot next to himself for you to join him. You sit down on the blanket with Spawn, looking out over the tranquil park. The shade from the tree provides an oasis from the sunlight, and a gentle breeze rustles the leaves overhead, bringing a sense of tranquility to the area. You take a moment to soak in the peaceful atmosphere, enjoying the simple pleasure of being in the park with Spawn. "This is perfect," you say, your voice soft and calm. "It's so peaceful here." Spawn stretches out fully, his hands coming to rest under his head as he gazes up at the sun-dappled leaves above them. "Yes, it's a nice change from the constant chaos." He says, his voice also soft and casual. "I thought we could use a break from… well, everything."
You nod in agreement, your expression reflecting a mixture of contentment and relief. You mirror Spawn's relaxed pose, stretching out beside him on the blanket. "You're right," you reply, your gaze also directed toward the leaves dancing in the dappled sunlight. "It's been a hectic few weeks, to say the least. It's nice to have a moment of stillness like this." You glance over at Spawn, taking in his relaxed state and feeling a sense of warmth in your chest. Spawn tilts his head to look at you, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before he chuckles. "We seem to have a knack for chaos," he says with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "But I agree, this is a nice change." He glances back up at the leaves, watching as they sway gently in the breeze. "I don't get many opportunities for moments like this with you." You smile at Spawn's observation, acknowledging the truth in his words. You turn your head to meet his gaze, your eyes sparkling with fondness. "That's true," you concede with a soft chuckle. "Our lives do tend to be filled with more drama than we'd like." You follow Spawn's gaze upward, admiring the graceful dance of the leaves against the sky. "But I'm glad we have moments like this too. Even if they're rare," you added, your voice tinged with a hint of sadness.
Spawn's grip on your hand tightens, his eyes taking on an almost possessive glint as he gazes at you. Every protective instinct within him surges forward, and he can't help but feel a fierce desire to keep you close in this moment, to keep you safe from anything that might harm you. "Me too," he says, his voice low and possessive. "These moments are worth fighting for if it means you're mine, just mine." He shifts closer to you, his body positioning itself slightly over yours as if to shield you from the rest of the world. You feel the intensity of Spawn's gaze and the possessive grip on your hand, your breath catching in your chest. You sense the overwhelming protectiveness emanating from him, the undeniable possessiveness in his voice. A shiver runs down your spine as he moves closer, his body hovering slightly above yours. You look up at him, your expression mixing with a hint of surprise and curiosity. "All yours, huh?" you murmur, a tiny smirk playing at the corners of your lips. His eyes darken at your response, the possessive glint in his gaze growing even more intense. He leans in closer, his body now fully hovering over yours, his hands resting on either side of your head. He looks down at you with a mixture of possessiveness and tenderness, his voice low and velvety. "Yes," he says, his tone firm and full of conviction. "All mine. Nobody else's." He lowers his body down further, his weight pressing against you as if to make his claim even more obvious.
You feel the weight of Spawn's body pressing against yours, his possessive declaration, and the intensity in his gaze sending a rush of butterflies through your stomach. You feel both trapped and aroused, your heart racing at his possessive behavior. You look up at him through your lashes, your expression a mix of submission and feigned resistance. "And what if someone else tries to claim me for themselves?" you ask, your voice laced with a hint of challenge. His eyes narrow at your question, his expression hardening as the thought of someone else trying to claim you causes a flicker of anger to flash in his eyes. He growls low in his throat, the possessiveness in him intensifying. "I won't allow it," he says, his voice firm and edged with a dangerous tone. "You belong to me, and only me. Anyone who tries to take you from me will have to go through me first." He presses his body against yours, asserting his claim even further, his hands gripping the grass on either side of your head.
You can feel the possessiveness radiating off Spawn, his intense gaze and the possessive growl sending a thrill through you. His declaration of ownership is clear, and you can feel his body pressing against yours, asserting his claim with each movement. You shiver, a mixture of fear and arousal coursing through you. You look up at him, your eyes locked with his, your breath coming in short gasps. "Is that so?" you ask, your voice sounding breathless. "And you'll defend your claim no matter what, huh?" He leans down closer, his face mere inches away from yours. His eyes lock with yours, and his gaze is intense, almost feral. He shifts his body to cover yours completely, his legs intertwining with yours as he cages you in. "Yes," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "I will defend my claim no matter what it takes. You are mine, and I won't let anyone take you from me." He reaches up, his hand gently stroking your cheek before trailing down your neck. "You belong to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you." You feel your body respond to his possessive touch, your heart racing. You're trapped underneath him, completely at his mercy, and you can feel the primal instincts within him taking over. You swallow, your throat dry, as you look up at him, your eyes filled with a mixture of desire and submission. "I… I'm yours," you whisper, your voice trembling with a hint of vulnerability. "I belong to you."
His eyes darken further at your admission, and a possessive growl rumbles deep in his chest. He leans down, his lips hovering over yours, his breath hot on your skin. "Yes," he says, his voice filled with a primal hunger. "You're mine. Nobody else gets to claim you." He brushes his lips against your neck, his teeth grazing over your skin gently. "You belong to me," he repeats, his voice a possessive whisper. "Don't ever forget that." You shiver under his possessive touch, your body responding to his primal hunger. Your heart rate quickens as his lips hover over yours, his breath hot against your skin. You moan softly as his teeth graze your neck, your head tilting back to give him better access. "I won't forget," you breathe, your voice filled with a mixture of desire and submission. "I'm yours, and only yours. Nobody else's." His eyes fill with possessive satisfaction at your words, and he can't help but growl in approval. He claims your lips hard, his kiss filled with a primal hunger. His hands roam over your body, exploring every inch of your flesh, as if to reinforce his claim over you. "Good," he says, his voice a low growl. "Don't ever forget who you belong to." He nibbles at your neck, his teeth grazing over your skin, his body shifting to pin you even more firmly beneath him. He smirked again, suddenly grabbing your wrists and pinning them down against the grass on the sides of your head. He suddenly pressed down against you, his body hovering over yours. His voice was low and sultry as he spoke. "Don't like it when I hold you down and press against you like this? Don't you want more?"
You shiver as he pins your wrists down against the grass, his body hovering above you with a wildly possessive glint in his eyes. You feel your body responding to his domination, and against your will, you find yourself enjoying it. You look up at him with a mixture of desire and hesitation in your eyes. "I… I do," you admit, your voice trembling with a hint of submission. "I like it when you hold me down like this. It makes me feel… possessed." He leans down, his breath hot against your ear as he whispers dangerously. "Now I'm going to show you just how much you belong to me." He captures your lips in another possessive kiss, his tongue delving into your mouth and claiming it as his own. His body continues to press you into the grass, his weight holding you down, and his hands release your wrists in favor of roaming over your body, exploring every inch with possessive intent. You moan into his kiss, your body arching against his as his hands roam over you. You feel dominated and possessed by his touch, your mind clouded by desire and submission. You gasp as his tongue plunders your mouth, his body pressing yours into the grass, pinning you firmly beneath him unable to move. Your wrists are free now, and your hands wander up his arms, feeling the muscles tense beneath your touch. "I'm yours," you whisper breathlessly, your voice filled with submission. "I belong to you, completely."
His lips continue their descent, trailing down your neck and over your collarbone, his teeth grazing and nibbling against your skin, leaving a trail of possessive marks in their wake. His weight holds you down as his hands roam your body, exploring and claiming every inch. He can feel your shudder and gasp beneath him, your body's response fueling his possessive desire. "You're mine," he says, his voice a low possessive growl as he starts moving his hips against yours. "And I'm going to make damn sure you never forget that." You moan louder as his lips and teeth trail down your neck, marking your skin with possessive claims. You feel dominated and owned by him, and your body responds eagerly to his touch. Your hands grip his shoulders as his weight pins you to the ground, his hips grinding against yours feeling his bulge only getting harder, the friction sending sparks of pleasure through you. "I won't forget," you gasp, your voice full of submission. "I'm yours, only yours. Please, don't stop." With a low growl that vibrates from his chest, Al leans into your words, the sound of them fueling his desire. "Damn right, you're mine." His hands roam over your curves, squeezing your flesh, feeling every inch of you. He can smell your arousal, and taste it on his tongue. The way you submit to him, it's intoxicating. His cock throbs painfully between his legs, desperate for release. But not yet. Not until he's had his fill.
You arch your back, pressing your breasts further into Al's chest, silently begging for more of his touch. Your hips buck up against him, seeking friction, craving the relief only he can provide. "Please, Al," you whimper, your voice barely audible over the pounding of your heart. "I need you inside me. Make me yours completely." As you speak, your fingers dig into his shoulders, leaving red marks on his skin. You're lost in the moment, consumed by your desire for this man who has taken control of your body and soul. There's no turning back now; you've surrendered everything to him, and you wouldn't have it any other way. His breath hitches at your plea, the raw hunger in your voice driving him wild. Al lifts himself off of you just enough to rip open the condom packet with his teeth. He rolls it onto his throbbing member, his eyes never leaving your face. With a grunt, he positions himself at your entrance, teasing you with the tip of his cock before pushing in slowly, savoring the tight warmth that envelops him. "Fuck…you're so tight," he groans, beginning to move in slow, deliberate thrusts. Each movement is punctuated by your mingled moans, creating a symphony of lustful sounds.
The sensation of being filled by Al is overwhelming, and you let out a long, satisfied sigh as he begins to move within you. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, urging him to go faster. Your nails scrape along his back, leaving trails of pain mixed with pleasure. "Yes, like that," you encourage him, your voice laced with need. "Make me yours, take me, use me…" Every word is an invitation, a surrender, a promise of complete and utter submission. The hellish fury that burns within Al simmers beneath the surface, ready to erupt at any moment. But for now, he focuses solely on you, on claiming you, making you his in the most primal way possible. He picks up the pace, each thrust harder than the last, driven by a mix of raw power and insatiable desire. His hands grip your hips, guiding your movements, ensuring that every stroke hits its mark. "You're mine," he snarls, his voice thick with possession. "Only mine." You cry out as Al's powerful thrusts push you closer and closer to the edge. Your inner walls clench around him, trying to hold him inside as your orgasm builds. You've never felt anything like this before - the intensity, the passion, the sheer dominance of Al's lovemaking. It's both terrifying and exhilarating, leaving you breathless and wanting more. "Yours," you repeat, your voice a hoarse whisper. "Always yours." With a final, brutal push, Al drives into you one last time, and you shatter, your body convulsing in ecstasy as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over you. You're lost, utterly consumed by the dark, twisted love you share.
Al's roar of triumph echoes through the room as he buries himself deep inside your spasming pussy, his own release exploding through him like a volcanic eruption. His hot seed spills into the condom, marking you as his in the most fundamental way possible. For a moment, he remains still, savoring the feel of your clenching around him, milking him dry. Then, with a guttural growl, he withdraws, discarding the used condom and collapsing beside you, panting heavily. His eyes burn with a fierce, possessive light as he reaches out to claim you again, his hand closing around your throat. "Mine," he hisses, his voice low and dangerous. "And I'll never let you go." You gasp as Al's hand closes around your throat, cutting off your air supply. Panic surges within you, but you force yourself to relax, to trust him. After all, you know he would never harm you intentionally. Instead, you take a deep breath, filling your lungs with precious oxygen before he releases his grip. "Yours," you whisper, your voice choked with emotion. "Forever yours." You roll over to face him, your eyes locked on his as you trace a finger down his chest.
Al watches your finger trace down his chest, his gaze intense and unwavering. He can feel the weight of your submission, the depth of your devotion, and it stokes the flames of his possessiveness even higher. His hand slides up your thigh, his fingers digging into your soft flesh as he pulls you closer. "You're mine," he says, his voice a low rumble. "My property, my plaything, my everything." His lips crashed down on yours in a brutal kiss, claiming your mouth as thoroughly as he claimed your body. When he finally breaks away, he growls, "Now, get on your knees and show me how much you want it."
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